About cancer screenings and saving lives: measuring the effects of cancer screening programs through meta-analyses-A comment to the meta-analysis “Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests” by Bretthauer et al. (2023)

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22 Settembre 2024

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Stracci F, Martinelli D, Anedda FM, Caminiti M, Mantovani W, Pettinicchio V, Sinopoli A, Vitale F, Siliquini R, Mazzucco W.
About cancer screenings and saving lives: measuring the effects of cancer screening programs through meta-analyses-A comment to the meta-analysis "Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests" by Bretthauer et al. (2023).
Front Public Health. 2024 Apr 9;12:1376377. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1376377. PMID: 38680938; PMCID: PMC11047044.

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