Indicators of cure for women living after uterine and ovarian cancers: a population-based study

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This study aims to estimate long-term survival, cancer prevalence, and several cure indicators for Italian women with gynecological cancers.


18 Settembre 2024

Tempo di lettura:


Giudici F, De Paoli A, Toffolutti F, Guzzinati S, Francisci S, Bucchi L, Gatta G, Demuru E, Mallone S, Cin AD, Caldarella A, Cuccaro F, Migliore E, Gambino ML, Ravaioli A, Puppo A, Ferrante M, Carrozzi G, Stracci F, Musolino A, Gasparotti C, Cavallo R, Mazzucco W, Vitale MF, Cascone G, Ballotari P, Ferretti S, Mangone L, Rizzello RV, Sampietro G, Mian M, Boschetti L, Galasso R, Bella F, Piras D, Sessa A, Seghini P, Fanetti AC, Pinna P, De Angelis R, Serraino D, Maso LD; AIRTUM working group.

Am J Epidemiol. 2024 Sep 3;193(9):1224-1232. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwae044.


This study aims to estimate long-term survival, cancer prevalence, and several cure indicators for Italian women with gynecological cancers. Thirty-one cancer registries, representing 47% of the Italian female population, were included. Mixture cure models were used to estimate net survival, cure fraction, time to cure (when 5-year conditional net survival becomes > 95%), cure prevalence (women who will not die of cancer), and already cured (living longer than time to cure). In 2018, 0.4% (121 704) of Italian women were alive after diagnosis of corpus uteri cancer, 0.2% (52 551) after cervical cancer, and 0.2% (52 153) after ovarian cancer.

More than 90% of patients with uterine cancers and 83% with ovarian cancer will not die from their neoplasm (cure prevalence). Women with gynecological cancers have a residual excess risk of death <5% at 5 years after diagnosis. The cure fraction was 69% for corpus uteri, 32% for ovarian, and 58% for cervical cancer patients. Time to cure was ≤10 years for women with gynecological cancers aged <55 years; 74% of patients with cervical cancer, 63% with corpus uteri cancer, and 55% with ovarian cancer were already cured.

These results can contribute to improving follow-up programs for women with gynecological cancers and supporting efforts against discrimination of already cured ones. This article is part of a Special Collection on Gynecological Cancers.

© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


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